Brownie baking began this weekend and we're ready to sell sell sell! A couple of the team members got together to come up with a message to include on the individual brownies to promote awareness and shed light on our project.

Considering the first generation iPhone doesn't quite have a macro lens, here's a translation of the blur:
14 people, 10 bucks each
Who can our random acts of giving reach?
A brownie for a great cause indeed
Helping out someone in need
Learn more about our Random Act of Kindness Project
and follow along at:
The majority of the baking will take place on Tuesday at a commercial bakery that has been lent to us. Stay tuned for more brownie updates!
***If you arrived at this site following a brownie purchase, or would just like to share your thoughts on the project, please feel free to comment!!!
We thank you for your support!
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